Anything I should change, what should I cycle?

GABA 500mg

Butea Superba 600mg

Magnesium 300mg

D3 + K2

Acetyl L-Carnitine 1500mg

Boron 3mg

Ashwagandha 950mg

Tongkat Ali 500mg

Fadogia Agrestis 400mg

L-Citrulline, L-Arginine 300mg


Welcome to the Biohackers Forums! Please answer these questions and I’ll take a look:

  • What time are you taking everything in your stack,
  • Are you cycling any thing in the stack
  • What are your goals?
  • What is your sex and age range?

Josh Universe

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First question is what are your goals and how is your current stack working for you?


Morning: GABA, Butea Superba, D3+K2, Boron, Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, L-citrulline, L-arginine

Evening (after workout): Ashwagandha, Acetyl L- carnitine, magnesium

I haven’t cycled anything yet, I just bought most of them

Growth during puberty
16 male

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Growth during puberty

I was already taking boron and D3+K2 and noticed some changes but I’ve just bought the other supplements so not much to say about those ones, although I have had better sleep.

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There is a website called if you create a profile (all free) and list supplements and any medications, it will list potential and serious interactions among them. That becomes important since agents like Ashwagandha evidently has impacts on serotonin. So if you take a prescribed serotonin reuptake inhibitor, the reactions can possibly lead to serotonin syndrome. That is a potentially life threatening situation. You may not, but the idea is to have a way to add the supplements to a database to cross check interactions. I have no idea what most of the ones you take are, but might be a good thing to check out. Anther thing to be mindful of, is how each is affected by the digestive system. Some substances are badly weakened by the digestive system whereas natural sources are less so.

I would add omega 3 since the body does not make it, needs it and it is safe to take unless you are allergic to fish (even then I am no authority on how that works). run a check on each one to see if there is any toxicity In this I mean does the body store it and continuously taking it can be bad. I think vitamin E can be that way.


Thanks, this is really helpful information, I really appreciate it!

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To be perfectly blunt, there isn’t any evidence that supplementation can increase growth in populations that are already getting sufficient amounts of nutrients and vitamins. I don’t know what your diet is like, but I assume you probably aren’t lacking for calories. You might get some benefit from increased protein intake, due to its effect on GH, but I’m skeptical.


I eat a ton of protein

so that’s great for me :grin:

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That’s awesome Peak!