Backgrounds of members

Let me start this with a preface: I have low expectations for this forum. Mostly because I have low expectations for transhumanist forums in general. Iā€™ve been bouncing around this movement for nearly two decades now and the ratio of people who are interested in actually doing things (and have the skills/knowledge to do so) to people who just like speculating on sci-fi fantasies is very low.

With that said, Iā€™m interested in hearing about the backgrounds and skill sets of the people here. Does anyone have working experience in molecular biology, bioinformatics, etc? If so, what do you hope to get out of this forum? If not, are you interested in acquiring those skills and how do you plan to do so?


I have no authority in this regard. Nor do I have any further expertise. However, I am willing to learn and assist. So I want to make myself useful here.

Ich habe diesbezĆ¼glich keine Kompetenzen. Auch weiter habe ich keine Fachkompetenzen. Jedoch bin ich bereit, zu lernen und zu assistieren. So will ich mich hier nĆ¼tzlich machen.


My background is purely spiritual, emerging from a near death experience and being guided to certain paths in life since that point. Transhumanism is something the Archangel Michael (soul group/entity of collected consciousnesses) is insistent upon and has guided me to since early 2023 when this progressive near death experience and subsequent realignment with the 3D physical world and 4D and 5D New Earth in the age of Aquarius :aquarius: began.


No, I certainly donā€™t. The hard sciences were never my forte, sadly. I donā€™t expect anything of substance to arise in my lifetime. That does not mean, however, that interested people cannot ā€˜spread the wordā€™ or more accurately the interest. I have made analogies to others to dispel the dystopian ideas and visions of transhumanism or enhancement.

the easiest way is to point out that since the first protohuman used a stick to aid walking, we began augmentation. Now we have pacemakers, deep vagus nerve stimulation, artificial joints and limbs, grow skin for skin graphs, neural implants for epilepsy, artificial hearts, cochlear ears and other devices. We have wireless control for artificial limbs. I challenge the naysayers to tell beneficiaries that they shouldnā€™t have those benefits. Normally, they would likely say (Iā€™m guessing 'well yes but thatā€™s not what transhumanism and augmentation is about). Thatā€™s where the non scientist can challenge why this isnā€™t the case.

The hard sciences are good at their business, but not always good in translating to the lowest common denominator in the public.


Iā€™m formerly gifted, somewhat smart still after several brain injuries and always interested in the sciences. My favorite hangout was the library and I loved Star Trek and sci-fi movies and books. I was in the G.A.T.E. program growing up and Iā€™m into reading about transhumanism, AI, and nanotechnology through authors like Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler and even have sci-fi/documentaries in digital format on the subject. I believe scientists will push this along in our lifetime and Iā€™m in a Gemini Live club officially run by Google, and also a Google Pixel Super Fans club run by them, and gratefully received the Singularity is Nearer by Ray Kurzweil with his autograph and laptop sticker from his publisher for free as a gift. I see transhumanism as not just tech and AI but medicine and science and the ā€œnext stepsā€ in society. Iā€™m grateful to be invited to this group and look forward to discussing things with everyone. I donā€™t have any implants but my goal is eating right, exercising, learning and spreading the word and perhaps building a robot of my own with a kit, a raspberry pi and a LLM in addition to what Iā€™m doing now. Itā€™s a pleasure meeting everyone.


Iā€™m an experimental DBS patient. Iā€™m not a biohacker, really. Iā€™m a subject.

Transhumanism and body modification are central interests of mine. I like to know what people are doing in that area. This is why Iā€™m here.


Can you tell us more about it? That sounds very interesting, fascinating.

Kannst du mehr darĆ¼ber erzƤhlen? Das klingt sehr interessant, faszinierend.

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Yes, certainly, though Iā€™d prefer not to pull this thread off-topic with it.


Then you can create a post in the Transhumanism category. This is actually a more general area. In any case, Iā€™m very interested.

Dann kannst du ja in der Transhumanismus Kategorie einen Beitrag erstellen. Hier ist wohl tatsƤchlich eher ein allgemeinerer Bereich. Auf jeden Fall interessiert es mich sehr.

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