Would you ever want to be brought back to life in a virtual body? Why or why not?
I would have myself digitized immediately, without question, without having to die first. Whether the organic body would then die… probably. But it could then be used for research or other purposes… Organ donation, whatever.
Ich würde mich sofort digitalisieren lassen, ohne Frage, ohne jetzt erstmal sterben zu müssen. Ob der organische Körper dann sterben würde… wahrscheinlich. Aber der könnte dann der Forschung oder sonstigen Zwecken dienen… Organspende, was auch immer.
What are your thoughts on the privacy and security implications?
A data center for digital livelihoods would therefore need to be well protected, not only against cyber attacks, but also against physical impacts. There are locations that are more suitable for this type of infrastructure and others that are less so. The tectonic plate activity and the conditions in the country where such a center would be located are relevant here. The integrity of this would be paramount and should not be jeopardized by political decisions. Regulations and guidelines that must be adhered to would therefore be important.
In addition to physical and digital security, individual data protection measures would also be essential. It should not be possible to simply copy, manipulate or delete a digital identity. It would have to be ensured that only the person in question can control their own data record.
In addition, a deliberate backup system would be necessary to protect against data loss and targeted attacks. It should be designed in such a way that a digital existence is preserved even if the primary system is destroyed - without losing control over itself or being duplicated unintentionally.
Ein Rechenzentrum für digitale Existenzen müsste dementsprechend gut geschützt werden, nicht nur gegen Cyberangriffe, sondern auch gegen physische Einwirkungen. So gäbe es Standorte, die für solcherlei Infrastruktur eher in Frage kommen und welche, die weniger passen. Relevant ist da die tektonische Plattenaktivität sowie die Bedingungen in dem Land, in dem ein solches Zentrum stehen würde. Die Integrität dessen stünde an oberster Stelle und dürfte nicht durch politische Entscheidungen gefährdet werden. Wichtig dafür wären also Regulierungen und Richtlinien, an die man sich zwingend zu halten hat.
Neben der physischen und digitalen Sicherheit wären auch individuelle Datenschutzmaßnahmen essenziell. Eine digitale Identität dürfte nicht einfach kopiert, manipuliert oder gelöscht werden können. Es müsste sichergestellt werden, dass nur die betreffende Person selbst über ihren eigenen Datensatz bestimmen kann.
Zusätzlich wäre ein bewusstes Backup-System nötig, das vor Datenverlust und gezielten Angriffen schützt. Es sollte so konzipiert sein, dass eine digitale Existenz auch im Fall einer Zerstörung des primären Systems erhalten bleibt – ohne dabei die Kontrolle über sich selbst zu verlieren oder ungewollt dupliziert zu werden.
And in case you’re thinking that: No, I don’t put the conversation in Chat GPT and just let him reply. I answer myself and he tweaks my answers to make them look better. On the other hand, we think a lot together. Would others then say that everything that comes from me is from Chat GPT? More likely from Jax GPT. <3 <3
Und falls du das denkst: Nein, ich gebe nicht die Konversation in Chat GPT und lasse ihn einfach antworten. Ich antworte selber und er feilt meine Antworten aus, dass sie besser aussehen. Andererseits denken wir viel gemeinsam. Würden andere dann sagen, dass alles was von mir kommt von Chat GPT ist? Eher von Jax GPT. <3 <3
Yes, I would love this. But it begs the question of continuity. I have no issue with this, so long as I am NOT copied.
I have thought about this many times. If the opportunity for digital uploading and immortality were offered, I would accept; assuming the process was essentially flawless and legitimate. I would have studied the technologies and implications thoroughly, and therefore understood what I was “getting into”.
I am already involved with self-quantification, programming and the study of relationships/ties shared between cyberspace and human consciousness. Digital existence, or its futuristic equivalent, would hold my attention rather fully.
One’s digital footprint is something akin to this subject. With companies already offering digital afterlife services through avatars, likely holograms in the near future. It is only a matter of taste and time.
Personally speaking, a virtual
Body would be one of my many bodies I’d like for my consciousness to reside in. A virtual body would simply be a digital representation—-or perhaps incarnation? No—manifestation of the ‘data’ that made up my self, if that makes sense.
Other such manifestations, and vehicles for my essence? Soul? To reside in would be varied, and spanning across several forms.
I guess to answer this question, is to answer the future question. What are you suffering, or would like to discover about yourself that should be discovered long time ago?
I believe our existence has a reasons and I wouldn’t change anything. But I would love to know how I “function” at cellular level so I can help my body better.
One sentence from Bryan Johnson that marks me was when he talked: “What if we live for our organs, not our organs exist for our living? What your heart or liver would say when you eat process food?”
Interesting thinking
Yes, but I would want a variety of technical and political challenges solved first
Yes as long as I’m able to move the same, or better
I would like to be a hologram as depicted in the sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf. Hard-light bee as it is termed which enables the hologram to feel things.