Supplements protocol

Want to share my general well-being targeted protocol I’m currently testing.
I’d be happy to hear any feedback. Let’s go.

Morning (right after waking up):

  • pure water 2 cups

Morning (30 mins after waking up):

  • B-Right complex
  • Liquid Iodine
  • GABA 500mg
  • Magnesium Glycinate 200mg

Morning (90 mins after waking up):

  • Coffee x3 espresso
  • Lion’s Mane 5g
  • L-Theanine 400mg

Day (with lunch):

  • Vitamin D3 + K2
  • Trace Minerals Complex

Day (3 hours after lunch):

  • NAC 2g
  • Glycine 3g

Evening (with dinner):

  • Gamma E Complex
  • L-OptiZinc
  • Boron

Night (60 mins before sleep):

  • Glycine 12g
  • GABA 500mg
  • Magnesium Glycinate 200mg
  • L-Theanine 200mg
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That’s very comprehensive - is that 3 espressos! you will defo need the L-Theanine to pull all that into focus. What are you getting your trace minerals from? I just started bringing sea moss so I’m going to start that this weekend and see how that goes.

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Hello, your protocol sounds really good, but if you are fasting for a shortwhile, can you take these supplements while you are fasting? I wait until I am in my eating window, before “door” is shut to the kitchen.

Yep, l-theanine is one of the most noticeable supplement I’ve found which really improves coffee experience. I can also highlight noticeable effect of lions mane for focus and mental clarity, but I still experimenting with different forms of it such as mycelium and fruits body extract to find out what works better. Probably mycelium. And also can highlight glycine and gaba which improves sleep quality a lot. High dose of gaba such as 3-5g can make you a vegetable for around 6 hours and pull 100% of any stress or anxiety away, which can be useful sometimes.

For trace minerals I’ve tried 2 different supplement such as “Thorne, Trace Minerals” and “NaturesPlus, TraceMins”. First one is good and the second one I’ve throw away after 2 weeks since it feels horrible for stomach and gut, which makes sense since it contain very questionable components of heavy metals.

I’ve never tried sea mos, what is your experience with it and which brand are you taking?

I am not really expert in fasting, but I’m 99% sure any supplement you take during your “fasting window” will stop it same as any food or water.
So I would take supplements during your “food window” to keep fasting work.
Important point to consider is if supplement will be absorbed properly with the specific food you eat and if it makes sense to take few different supplements together during the same meal, since sometimes they makes each other less efficient.
But proper supplements absorption is a big separate topic. Probably later I will start separate thread where I will share my current researches.